techno blub

We have new computers at work!

We have new computers at work.  Sigh.

While new is lovely, the muttering and foolish-feeling has escalated.  I’m not alone in this.  We do an amazing number of things in a given week:  create power points for worship, write lots of things, field hundreds of emails, send many of same, and send things like sermons from home to church to be printed.

Not a one of the above things that used to be done with ease has been easy these past few weeks.  There has been a seemingly unending stream of ineptitude-proving tasks that take twice as long to get done.

The worst was on Sunday morning.  I write my sermon at home, send it to the church, and print it off from there.  No big deal.  Except that when I got to church I could not get my email to release my oh-so-carefully crafted words.  I was thinking I would have to preach from a manuscript printed in a two (ok, maybe I am exaggerating here) point font.  Luckily I had patient church members who could coach my end-of-my-rope under pressure self and I was able to see my sermon in order to share it.

I know that in a week or so, we’ll be feeling fleet and smug about the new technology in our lives.  But oh, the meantime is endless long.

So, be kind to your techno-blubbing staff, my friends.  We’re doing the best that we can.


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